Curated by choreographer Stephanie Skura. Dancers: Linda Austin (PDX), Paige Barnes, Vanessa DeWolf, Nate Dryden (SLC), Jordan MacIntosh-Hougham, Stephanie Skura; Musicians: Beth Fleenor, clarinets/vox; Dave Knott, homemades; Steve Peters, field recordings, found things. (Rescheduled from the Seattle Improvised Music Festival on February 9, when it was cancelled due to snow.) DETAILS
June 1 - 29, 2019: splintered at Bitters Co. Barn in Mt. Vernon /
splintered is a site-specific multi-channel sound + text installation by poet Shin Yu Pai and composer Steve Peters. Pai's poetry, inspired by the ancient barn itself and written on site, is heard in fragments scattered around the space, mixed with similarly fragmented recordings of items from Bitters Co.'s inventory (glass, metal, ceramics) and the barn itself. Hours: M-S, 12-4 PM, through June 29. DETAILS
May 17, 2019: Tiny Holes LP release at Fantagraphics /
Celebrating the release of City of Siege: Olympia on K Records, 38 years after it was recorded. Tiny Holes were emblematic of the post-punk underground emerging from Olympia in the early 80s. Band members Steve Fisk and Steve Peters, recording engineer Peter Randlette, mix/mastering engineer Jack Endino, and music publisher Rich Jensen will spin records and discuss this seminal scene that informed the later grunge and Riot Grrrl phenomena. 7 - 9 PM at Fantagraphics in Georgetown. DETAILS
Jan. 26, 2019: Seattle Phonographers Union at the Chapel /
Group improvisations with unprocessed field recordings. DETAILS
Aug. 30, 2018: Late Summer Vespers at the Chapel /
Improvisations with Tom Varner, French horn + Steve Barsotti, Amy Denio, Doug Haire, and Steve Peters, field recordings; Samantha Boshnack, Al Keith, Ray Larsen, and Thomas Marriot, trumpets; Stuart Dempster, Haley Freedlund, Christian Pincock, trombones; Greg Campbell, percussion and brass. DETAILS
Feb. 17, 2018: Seattle Improvised Music Festival at the Chapel /
A performance of improvised dance and music, curated by Corrie Befort. Dancers: Corrie Befort, Allison Burke, Noelle Chun, Nahshon Marden, Karen Nelson, Amelia Reeber, Brandin Steffensen, Alia Swersky, Hendri Walujo, and Syniva Whitney. Musicians: Tom Baker (guitar), Ruby Dunphy (drums), James Falzone (clarinet), Haley Freedlund (trombone), Greg Kelley (trumpet), Ha-Yang Kim (cello), Dave Knott (sound), Cristin Miller (voice, electronics), and Steve Peters (field recordings). DETAILS
Feb. 3, 2018: Seattle Phonographers Union + Mesh Collaborative at the Chapel /
Gift Tapes/DRAFT presents the Seattle Phonographers Union & Mesh Collaborative at the Chapel Performance Space. The Seattle Phonographers Union, a unique collective with an ever-changing lineup, performs improvisations using unprocessed field recordings. Mesh Collaborative is a computer network music collective that creates synthetic sonic environments by means of real time cross-compositional systems. Both sets of sound/music will be performed over a 4-channel sound system. DETAILS
Jan. 25 - Mar. 31, 2018: WAIS Reliquary in New Hampshire /
WAIS Reliquary: 68,000 Years by visual artist Anna McKee, for which I made an 8-channel sound installation, at University of New Hampshire Museum of Art in Durham, NH as part of the group show Long Eye.
Dec. 23, 2017: Seattle Phonographers Union at the Chapel /
Breaking away from their usual set up, group members will be spread around the space playing through small, localized sound systems to create a sonic environment made up of many smaller micro-climates, with the audience free to move through the space or sit if they wish. DETAILS
Oct. 27, 2017: Seattle Phonographers Union at Georgetown Steam Plant /
Seattle Atlas Obscura Society presents the Seattle Phonographers Union performing a special concert in the old Georgetown Steam Plant. DETAILS
Aug. 4 - Oct. 21, 2017: WAIS Reliquary in Denver /
WAIS Reliquary: 68,000 Years by visual artist Anna McKee, for which I made an 8-channel sound installation, at the Center for Visual Art at Metropolitan State University in Denver, CO as part of the group show Water Line: A Creative Exchange.
Aug. 31, 2017: Late Summer Improvisations at the Chapel /
Improvisations with Steve Barsotti (field recordings), Heather Bentley (viola), James Falzone (clarinet), Doug Haire (field recordings), Paul Kikuchi (percussion), Tom Varner (French horn) at Good Shepherd Center Chapel, Seattle. DETAILS
Aug. 25, 2017: Marc Barreca, Jake Muir, SP at the Chapel /
Ambient/electro-acoustic concert celebrating new releases on the Palace of Lights and Dragon's Eye labels by myself and label-mates Marc Barreca and Jake Muir at Good Shepherd Center Chapel, Seattle. DETAILS
Jul. 15, 2017: Driftwood Orchestra at the Chapel /
Performance with Driftwood Orchestra at Good Shepherd Center Chapel, Seattle. DETAILS
Jul. 11, 2017: Airforms CD released on Palace of Lights /
Airforms (Chamber Music 10) released as CD + download on the Palace of Lights label. One of my "room tone" pieces based on a recording of Steve Roden's empty house. DETAILS
Apr. 28, 2017: performance with Klang Orchestra at the Chapel /
Performance with Eveline Müller's Klang Orchestra on her Song of the Ice Flow at Good Shepherd Center Chapel, Seattle. DETAILS
Apr. 9, 2017: Canções Profundas at Arquipélago /
Concert performance of Canções Profundas (Deep Songs) as part of the Invisible Places conference at Arquipélago, Ribeira Grande, São Miguel, Azores.
Mar. 17 - Apr. 9, 2017: Invisible Places residency, Azores /
Residency + performance workshop + presentation for Invisible Places conference held at Universidad dos Açores in Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Azores. I'll be working with local musicians on Canções Profundas for a concert as part of the conference.
Jan. 19, 2017: Seattle Phonographers Union + Musicians at the Chapel /
Performance with Seattle Phonographers Union and guest musicians Tom Varner (French horn) and Greg Kelley (trumpet) at Good Shepherd Center Chapel, Seattle. DETAILS
Aug. 28, 2016: Seattle Phonographers Union in the parks /
Performance with Seattle Phonographers Union at Pritchard Island Beach Park and Duwamish Waterway Park as part of City of Seattle's Put the Arts in Parks program, funded by Seattle Office of Arts & Culture and Seattle Parks & Recreation.